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Life Extension UK Voucher Codes

Voucher codes for Life Extension UK for January 2025

Save money when you shop online at Life Extension UK with these voucher codes. The Life Extension UK voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.

There are 3 active and working voucher codes for Life Extension UK
To mark the launch of Vitalized®, we’re offering an introductory discount of 30% off all Vitalized® products. Additionally, AWIN publishers can provide their audiences with an exclusive discount code for an extra 10% off Vitalized® products.
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Voucher Code expires 02/03/2025 at 22:59
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Terms - The exclusive coupon code is valid until 02.03.2025, 23:59 CET. It can be combined with other exclusive affiliate codes, however not with other offers and campaigns except the Vitalized 30% Off Launch offer. It only applies to Vitalized products.
For the entire month of January, we will offer 15% off all products + Extra 5% off orders above £150, as well as free shipping with no minimum order requirement.
Deal expires 02/02/2025 at 22:59
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Terms - The January Sale gives 15% off all orders and 5% extra off all orders above €150 / £200, plus free shipping with no lower order size in UK. The offer applies until 02.02.2025, 23:59 CET, or as long as stock is available.
By simply signing up to our newsletter, you will receive a coupon code for 15% off & free shipping on your first order on our website. Customers can sign up to our newsletter through the popup on our website or the dedicated section in the footer.
Deal expires 31/12/2030 at 22:59
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Terms - You will receive your unique coupon code after confirming your email subscription. By subscribing, you agree to receive e-mails from Life Extension Europe. The offer can only be used on your first order and only once. Cannot be combined with other vouchers or campaigns. Free shipping excludes Saver.

How to use Life Extension UK voucher codes

  1. Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to Life Extension UK site and copy the code for you.
  2. Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
  3. When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
  4. Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.

About Life Extension UK

Passionate about health, wellness and science? Make an impact by joining Life Extension Europe's Affiliate Program. We have been helping people in Europe live healthier lives through pure, high-quality supplements, vitamins and minerals for 29 years.