The Furn Shop Voucher Codes
Voucher codes for The Furn Shop for December 2024
Save money when you shop online at The Furn Shop with these voucher codes. The The Furn Shop voucher codes shown on Money Saving Voucher Codes are active and can be used today.
How to use The Furn Shop voucher codes
- Click on the code you wish to use, this will take you to The Furn Shop site and copy the code for you.
- Add some items to your basket that will qualify for the discount.
- When you are ready head over to your basket and find the promo code box.
- Paste the discount code into the box to apply your savings.
About The Furn Shop
Welcome to The Furn Shop Affiliate Programme!
We are the UK's leading online retailer for furniture and home decor. We showcase top-selling UK brands and a variety of styles, from contemporary chic to rustic charm. With over 20 years in the retail business, we're dedicated to offering high-quality products at unbeatable prices, all backed by outstanding customer service. Our extensive collection features exquisite Oak, Marble, Glass, and Mirrored furniture, among many other options, ensuring you find the perfect pieces for your home.
Why Join The Furn Shop Affiliate Programme?
- Earn a flat 6% commission on all sales.
- Earn a 1% commission on sales using Voucher/Coupon Codes not specifically given for affiliate use.
- High Average Order Value (AOV) of £350.
- 30-day cookie period and high conversion rate.
- Fast validations and low order cancellation rate.
- Support from our dedicated affiliate team with regular updates on new products and
- Exclusions:
- Commissions are paid excluding delivery charges and VAT.
- Codes from our direct mail campaigns to returning customers will be declined.
- Top-performing affiliates can be placed on a higher commission rate—contact us to learn more.
We look forward to working with you and growing our partnership. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you for choosing The Furn Shop Affiliate Programme!
General Terms for The Furnshop Affiliate Programme:
Keyword Policy
- Affiliates are prohibited from bidding on our brand name “The Furnshop” and its variations.
- The brand name cannot be used in any display URL in PPC advertising.
- Breaching this term will result in immediate removal from our program.
- Add these variations to your negative list to avoid TFS advert display errors:
- Furnshop
- Furn Shop
- Direct linking from PPC is not allowed.
Email Marketing
- All emails must be approved by The Furnshop Affiliate Department before distribution.
Voucher Codes/Cash Back Sites
- Do not promote expired voucher codes as live.
- Failure to comply will result in declined commissions.
Commission Rates
- Flat 6% commission on sales transacted at checkout.
- 1% commission for voucher orders not specifically issued for affiliate use.
Affiliates are not permitted to bid on our brand name “The Furnshop” or any variations of it. Additionally, our brand name cannot be used in any display URL in PPC advertising. Affiliates who violate this policy will be immediately removed from our program.
To prevent any errors, we recommend adding the following variations to your negative keyword list:
- Furnshop
- Furn Shop